Poetry of the earth - Poesie der Erde

a project of photography, sound and poetry


In this project I want to follow in the footsteps of famous writers and poets with the aim to reinterpret and investigate the landscape, the people and contemporean poets living there who create new poetry, with photography, video, sound and poetry.

interpreting the poetry of well known poets about their journeys and landscapes  and link them to contemporary poetry in the same region - What does earth give to poetry, and what does the poet give to earth?

Interpreting the poetry of well known poets as Pablo Neruda with his "Canto General", Rilke never ending journeys through Europe, Jack Kerouak with "On the Road", Heinrich Heines "Harz Journey"  on foot with my camera and my subjective view on the landscape and people which have given birth to this poetry.

In the same way I want to enter into conversation with contemporary poets and portray them with photo and video to introduce the poetry in their region.
I am always glad, about comments, suggestions, hints to current poets and regions.
Here some more detailed info for artists / poets - what I want to do.


"alles im Fluss" - everything in flow

"Manchmal schwindelt mir vor strömendem Wasser" - Karl Krolow

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 "Sometimes I get dizzy with flowing water"


 the middle Rhine valley has inspired many poets to romantic, kitschy, martial, nationalistic poems. With these poems in mind and the impressionistic viewpoints of the English painter William Turner in my luggage, I am looking for the special photographic view of the warlike, romantic and now man-made Rhine. -


soon more to come

 "Plötzliches Fortgehen; Draußensein im Grauen mit Augen, eingeschmolzen, heiß und weich, und nun in das was ist hinauszuschauen –: O nein, das alles ist ja ein Vergleich." (Rilke)


Currently, I am about to start with the first point of my Italian journey in Venice - exploring the footsteps of Rilke and discovering contemporenean poets in the town 


soon more to come

Greece - two poetic views


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